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Types of legal advice

Ecovis Bulgaria offers a comprehensive legal service that includes the provision of services across the full spectrum of civil, commercial and administrative substantive law.

The main purpose of these consultations is to help clients understand their rights and obligations and make informed decisions regarding their legal matters. Legal advice is provided by individuals with specialized legal qualifications and extensive experience in the specific field.

This ensures quality and professional service to clients, which is essential to the successful resolution of their legal issues and requirements.

Our aim is to be your partner, providing you with tailored and competent solutions to meet your needs.

Civil Law

A civil law consultation is essential for a variety of situations, including buying or selling property, rents, damages disputes, family matters such as divorce or determining parents' rights, and other legal issues that may arise in people's lives and businesses.

Through a civil law consultation, clients get the opportunity to understand their rights and responsibilities, as well as receive advice and guidance to find appropriate solutions for their legal issues.

Such advice can help clients avoid legal problems or find effective ways to resolve them, ensuring that their interests are protected and legal standards are followed.

Commercial Law

Business law advice is relevant to businesses as they face many legal issues and challenges in their day-to-day operations.

Through a business law consultation, a business can get a clear understanding of the legal aspects of various business transactions and activities, as well as be guided to the optimal solutions to resolve legal issues or disputes that may arise.

It is important for businesses to be informed of the current legal and regulatory requirements that affect their operations, as well as the possible risks and consequences of their business decisions.

Professional commercial law advice can help businesses minimise these risks, comply with legal requirements and achieve the successful operation and development of their business.

In addition, this type of advice can contribute to increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise by providing the necessary tools and strategies to manage legal and compliance risks.

Administrative substantive law

Substantive administrative law is a process in which the client consults a legal expert on the legal aspects related to the operation and regulation of administrative bodies and procedures. This includes an analysis of the legal provisions and administrative acts that regulate various administrative processes and activities of state and municipal bodies.

During the consultation on administrative substantive law, the client may consult on issues such as: Issuance of permits, licenses and authorizations by administrative bodies. Application of administrative procedures and regulations in the conduct of a specific activity. Disputes and appeals against administrative acts and decisions. Implementation of administrative obligations and responsibilities.

Consultation on administrative substantive law is an important component for individuals and legal entities dealing with various administrative activities and procedures.

It can help clients understand their rights and obligations with respect to administrative acts and procedures, as well as obtain advice to help them deal effectively with administrative issues and challenges.

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Why trust Ecovis Bulgaria for legal advice

Ecovis Bulgaria has a specialized team of legal experts with extensive experience and high qualifications in various areas of law. Their knowledge and skills guarantee professional service at a high level.

Our clients receive individual attention and customized solutions that meet their specific needs and goals. We understand that each case is unique and requires a specific approach.

Ecovis Bulgaria offers a wide range of legal advice in different areas of law, allowing clients to receive a comprehensive service in one place, no matter their specific needs.

As a global consulting firm with a presence in over 70 countries, Ecovis Bulgaria has extensive experience and expertise in international legal matters and procedures. This is particularly useful for clients with complex international matters. Ecovis Bulgaria is a well-established and recognized firm that enjoys a strong reputation in the field of legal consulting. Our clients can rest assured that they are receiving a quality and reliable service.

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A few years ago I decided to outsource my company's accounting. It was not at all a random choice when I chose Ecovis. I had prepared a list of conditions in advance, including a real accounting case to solve in my line of business. And so for years I have relied on a trusted partner for my accounting and tax reporting.

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