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Регистрация на фирми от Ecovis Bulgaria

Ecovis Bulgaria предоставя специализирана помощ за регистрация на различни видове фирми в съответствие със законодателството на България.

Нашите експерти ви помагат да изберете правилната форма на организация, да изготвите необходимите документи и да завършите успешно процеса на регистрация.

Изборът на правилната форма на организация за вашата фирма в България зависи от редица фактори, включително характера на вашата дейност, бизнес модела, целите и нуждите ви за управление и контрол.

Ето някои от основните форми на организация в България и съответните ситуации, при които са подходящи:

Limited Liability Company (LLC):

Suitable for individual entrepreneurs who prefer more control over their business. Just like an LLC, but with one owner who can be an individual or a corporation.

Joint Stock Company (JSC):

Suitable for larger projects and companies with complex structures and multiple owners.

There are shareholders (owners) who own shares in the company.

The responsibility of the shareholders is limited to the amount of their investment in the shares of the company.

To choose the right form of organization for your company, it is important to understand the specifics of your business, evaluate the business model, and consider the expert advice of legal advisors or business advisors.

We at Ecovis Bulgaria will help you analyze your needs and make an informed decision to help you achieve your business goals.

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LLC company registration

We provide professional support for the registration of LLCs - a popular form of company for small and medium-sized enterprises in Bulgaria.

Our experts provide you with all the necessary instructions and assistance in completing the procedure. In Bulgaria, to register a Limited Liability Company (LLC), the following documents are required:

Certificate of Incorporation (Memorandum of Association): This is the document that establishes the company. It states the basic details of the company, its structure, the rights and obligations of the founder and other relevant details.

Declaration of absence of obstacles to the establishment of the company: This declaration is issued by the founder and confirms that there are no obstacles to the establishment of the company, such as other registered companies with a similar name or business purpose.

Statutory capital: Confirmation of the amount of the statutory capital paid into the company's bank account.

Document of identification of the founder: Copy of the founder's identity card or passport.

Application for company registration: This is the formal application that is filed with the Registrar of Companies.

List of persons who will exercise representative authority in the company: This can be one or more managers of the company.

Document of the owner of the property if the registered office of the company is at a permanent address.

These documents shall be submitted in accordance with the legislation of Bulgaria and shall be submitted for registration to the Commercial Register, where the company registration procedure shall be carried out.

Upon completion of this procedure, the company is considered to be established and can start operating.

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Ecovis Bulgaria

LLC registration

Ecovis Bulgaria helps you to register an LLP (Single Limited Company), which is a suitable form of organization for entrepreneurs who want individual control over their company.

Our specialists will encourage and support you throughout the registration process.

The process for registering an LLC in Bulgaria usually involves the following basic steps:

Preparation of the necessary documents: The founder must prepare all the necessary documents for the registration of the company, including the articles of incorporation, a declaration that there are no obstacles to the establishment of the company, a document of paid-up statutory capital, an application for company registration, etc.

After the preparation of the documents, they are submitted for registration to the Commercial Register. The application for registration must be signed by the founder or his representative.

Process of processing the documents: The employees at the Commercial Register check the submitted documents for compliance with the requirements of the legislation. They also check the existence of a free name for the company and other necessary elements.

** Payment of fees and company formation:** Once the documents have been approved and the registration fees have been paid, the company is considered registered. The incorporator receives a certificate of registration and a certificate of incorporation.

Publication in the Trade Register: The company registration is published in the Trade Register where it becomes available for public inspection.

These steps are usually part of the process for registering an LLC in Bulgaria.

However, it should be borne in mind that the procedures and requirements may vary depending on the specific area of activity or requirements for the company.

To this end, it is always a good idea to consult with legal counsel or a specialist to be sure that all steps are completed correctly and legally.

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Communication with them is easy and fast, we get clear answers without waiting days, there is no unnecessary bureaucracy - the whole process is as clean as possible, which saves us a lot of time and effort, the service is personalized to the needs of our business and we are always informed on time about any changes in regulations and laws.

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A few years ago I decided to outsource my company's accounting. It was not at all a random choice when I chose Ecovis. I had prepared a list of conditions in advance, including a real accounting case to solve in my line of business. And so for years I have relied on a trusted partner for my accounting and tax reporting.

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Yonona Mitova

Trend Management

Freelance registration

For those wishing to pursue a freelance career, Ecovis Bulgaria offers expert assistance with company registration.

We assist you with choosing the right form of organization and provide you with the support and advice you need to successfully launch your business.

Registration of associations and foundations

Ecovis Bulgaria provides professional help and assistance with the registration of associations and foundations that aim to carry out charitable or public activities.

Our team of experts encourages and assists you throughout the registration process.

Why trust Ecovis Bulgaria for company registration

Ecovis Bulgaria offers quality advice and expert assistance with your company registration.

Our company has a wealth of experience and professional knowledge in the field of business and legislation, which ensures successful completion of the registration process and creates a strong foundation for your future development and growth.

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